Essay: go and write a play about it
Alex’s ex told them to go and write a play about their breakup. Come Again, a play written by Alex, opens this week at KXT on Broadway. You can read about their ability to spitefully follow throwaway comments as instructions here.

Kaleidoscope Recs: the best theatre made by women and non-binary folk coming up in May/June
Lily Hayman can’t keep away from the theatre. She runs Purple Tape Productions with Tyler Fitzpatrick, which aims to give opportunities to women and gender diverse artists. Check out her recommendations for five (plus a bonus!) shows made by women and gender diverse artists coming up this May/June.

Interview: A sprinkle of feminine rage with Lucy Heffernan
Clare loves a good chat with endless tangents. Lucy Heffernan’s one-woman show, Party Girl, is playing this week at Purple Tape’s TAPE OVER festival at KXT on Broadway. Read Clare’s interview with Lucy here!

Essay: when you’ve got ovaries, every choice is a public debate
Lana hates when people ask her “when” she’s going to have kids. She had a weird dream about being stuck in an elevator with her ex, and turned it into a play called Expiration Date. Read her essay about writing and staging it here!