Essay: the Northman’s He-Witch is the Drag Queen of the Gods
Robin puts the “imp” in “imposter syndrome”. They like a bit of cross-dressing here and there, and so does The Northman’s He-Witch. Read Robin’s essay about both of those things here.

Essay: ancient magic
Robin puts the “imp” in “imposter syndrome”. They’re also obsessed with fantasy, Celtic culture and the way it echoes into modern fantasy. Read their essay about it here.

Review: SHIT doesn’t quite make the jump from theatre to film
Charlotte is a theatre nerd and Ceridwen is a film nerd. Last weekend they both saw Patricia Cornelius, Susie Dee and Trudy Hellier’s SHIT, a film based on a play of the same name and made by a very similar creative team. Read their review of it here.

Review: Crimes of the Future needs less plot and more squirm
Ceridwen loves things that are disgusting. Read her review of David Cronenberg’s long-awaited newest film here.