Kaleidoscope Recs: three fun, inclusive comedy nights in Newtown you should know about
Bea Barbeau-Scurla is a rat of all trades with her fingers in every pie in the Sydney filmmaking and comedy scene. Here are her recommendations for comedy nights showcasing new, old, and different stuff on King St (click titles for info):
Emilie Jones on the Sandbox stage
It’s rare to find a fun open mic that you actually want to watch as a comedian, and Sandbox is one of them. Run by John Glover, the audience is always lovely, and you’ll fall in love with the True Romance bar in Newtown. With fancy snacks and cheap beer, Sandbox is a fun night to conquer hump day.
Perfect for groups of 3-6, this is the best $5 show you’ll see in Sydney. Plus, who can go past yummy snacks at a very cool venue?
Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm, True Romance Newtown
Billy Joel (not a comedian), image by Gary Miller
Sydney’s premiere alternative comedy night has a new name: Billy Joel’s Coffee House. Run by Tim Dunk and Juliette Rae Timmerman, this fortnightly mixed bag of weird and wonderful features some of the best alternative comedians and improvisers. It also features the house band Dracula 5000 – come see them all fit on one tiny stage!
This is the ONLY alternative comedy night in Sydney, absolutely perfect if you’re after something a bit weird. Billy Joel’s Coffee House guarantees that you will see something funny, something different, AND something deranged. No money back.
1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 8pm, True Romance Newtown, tickets $10.76
Bea Barbeau-Scurla and Edan McGovern
Rat Klub is one of the coolest gigs in town, and probably Newtown’s best kept secret. Run by yours truly and the hilarious Ryan Sim, we have insane line-ups every single Monday night – a comedy tapas of seasoned pros dropping in (did someone say Hugesy?), alternative interstate comics trying out new material and local legends that you’ll love.
We also have a monthly Newcomer Night where all ticket sales go to a different charity. RSA holders get Happy Hour all night at MoshPit, and every week six Early Bird 2-for-1 tickets are available. There’s also $11 tiny pizzas and $10 house cocktails. Come get ratty with us.
Every Monday night at 7pm, MoshPit Bar Erskineville, tickets $10
Some less regular, but always fantastic, nights to keep your eye out for are Crips and Creeps (@cripsandcreeps) run by Madeleine Stewart and Thanks for Having Me (@thanksfor_havingme) run by Natali Caro.
Crips and Creeps is the number one wheelchair accessible and Auslan interpreted comedy show that highlights differently abled comedians. Follow them on Instagram to find out about their next show.
Thanks for Having Me is a POC showcase celebrating diversity and comedians of colour all around Aus. Their next stop is Melbourne Fringe from 20 – 23 October at the Trades Hall Quilt Room!
This Kaleidoscope Recs was generously donated by Bea.
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