The one woman show: a resurgence of storytelling
Clare loves cry laughing at high octane comedy. Read her review of three excellent one woman shows doing the most at Melbourne Fringe!

Kaleidoscope Recs: three fun, inclusive comedy nights in Newtown you should know about
Bea Barbeau-Scurla is a rat of all trades with her fingers in every pie in the Sydney filmmaking and comedy scene. Check out her recs for fun, inclusive and secret comedy nights around Sydney!

Kaleidoscope Recs: the twelve-dollar-est comedy shows this week at Sydney Fringe
The Sydney Fringe is a wonderful place full of new jokes, weird stuff and chaos. Here’s a couple of comedy shows you can see for $12 in it’s final week.

Review: Cake is delicious, funny and layered
Robyn Reynolds is truly as funny and sexy as she says she is - read all about it here.

Kaleidoscope Recs: five messy, mushy shows about love this week at Sydney Fringe
Read all about five of hopeless romantic, writer and wine/cheese lover Sophie McCrae’s mushy recommendations for the third week of Sydney Fringe here.

Kaleidoscope Recs: the top five sexiest funniest Sydney Fringe shows
Check out the funniest, sexiest comedy shows coming up at Sydney Fringe 2022 according to Robyn Reynolds who is completely not biased at all.